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Set up git dependencies and manage their versioned sources.


git-deps-syncer is a CLI utility that can be used globally on any directory, though it should mainly be used on a git repository directory.

It relies on pre-configured list of git repositories, those repositories source code without the .git index are being synced and stored within the working repository in a dedicated unique folder, making it available via symlinks for hot-swap if nessesary.

The config.json file

This file contains the synced git dependencies information such as url / branch / commit-hash, check the locations section for the configuration file location.

  "dependencies": {
    "repos": [
         "name": "shell_scripts_lib",
         "url": "",
         "branch": "master",
         "revision": "ab12cd...",
         "includes": ["golang*/"],
         "excludes": ["*_tests*"]
Task Description
name name of the dependency which reflects on the folder / symlink names
url url of the git repository
branch branch of the git repository
revision revision of the git repository branch
includes rsync’s supported --include patterns
excludes rsync’s supported --exclude patterns
By default the following files / folders are being excluded from the sync action of all git repositories:
.git, .idea, .git-deps, external, .gitignore, .DS_Store

Dev dependencies

Hot-swapping is available for synced git dependency with a locally hosted one. It is useful to verify special cases, hot-fixes and such, mainly used for local development.

When adding a git dependency under devDependencies, it syncs in conjunction with the rest of the git repositories declared under dependencies, it overrides only the same named git dependency from dependencies.

  • Sync a specific repository as dev-dependency using the --save-dev flag:

    git-deps-syncer sync shell_scripts_lib --save-dev
  • Sync all repositories using the --save-dev flag, devDependencies deps takes precedence:

    git-deps-syncer sync-all --save-dev

In the example below:

  • python_scripts_lib will be synced from remote git repository
  • shell_scripts_lib will be synced from the locally cloned repository
  "dependencies": {
    "repos": [
         "name": "shell_scripts_lib",
         "url": "",
         "branch": "master",
         "revision": "ab12cd...",
         "name": "python_scripts_lib",
         "url": "",
         "branch": "master",
         "revision": "cd21ab...",
  "devDependencies": {
    "repos": [
        "name": "shell_scripts_lib",
        "localPath": "/local/path/to/shell-scripts-lib"

Initial sync

Follow these steps for a quick setup of 3rd party git dependencies:

  1. Change directory into a working repository you plan to add the git dependencies

  2. Auto generate a .git-deps/config.json file by running:

    git-deps-syncer init
  3. Edit the .git-deps/config.json file with desired git dependencies

  4. Sync all git external dependencies into the working directory by running:

    git-deps-syncer sync-all
    Add the flag --open-github-pr in order to automatically open a PR based on changes introduced by the sync-all action.
  5. For additional options run git-deps-syncer -h