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Download anchor binary / source-files to any environment, local or CI.

Package Managers

Pull in anchor’s binary using popular package managers.


The fastest way (for macOS and Linux) to install anchor is using Homebrew:

brew install ZachiNachshon/tap/anchor

Alternatively, tap into the formula to have brew search capabilities on that tap formulas:

  1. Tap into ZachiNachshon formula

    brew tap ZachiNachshon/tap
  2. Install the latest anhcor binary

    brew install anchor

Pre-Built Release

  1. Update the download script with the following parameters:

    • VERSION: binary released version
    • OS_ARCH: operating system & architecture tuple
  2. Download and install anchor binary (copy & paste into a terminal):

bash <<'EOF'

# Change Version, OS and Architecture accordingly

# Options: 
#   - darwin_arm64
#   - linux_arm64
#   - linux_armv6
#   - linux_amd64

# Create a temporary folder
repo_temp_path=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/anchor-repo.XXXXXX)
cd ${repo_temp_path}

# Download & extract
echo -e "\nDownloading anchor to temp directory...\n"
curl -SL "${VERSION}/anchor_${VERSION}_${OS_ARCH}.tar.gz" | tar -xz

# Create a dest directory and move the binary
echo -e "\nMoving binary to ~/.local/bin"
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.local/bin; mv anchor ${HOME}/.local/bin

# Add this line to your *rc file (zshrc, bashrc etc..) to make `anchor` available on new sessions
echo "Exporting ~/.local/bin (make sure to have it available on PATH)"
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin"

cd ${cwd}

# Cleanup
if [[ ! -z ${repo_temp_path} && -d ${repo_temp_path} && ${repo_temp_path} == *"anchor-repo"* ]]; then
	echo "Deleting temp directory"
	rm -rf ${repo_temp_path}

echo -e "\nDone (type 'anchor' for help)\n"


Alternatively, you can download a release directy from GitHub

Download Specific Release

PATH awareness

Make sure ${HOME}/.local/bin exists on the PATH or sourced on every new shell session.

Build from Source

Clone anchor repository into a directory of your choice:

git clone; cd anchor

Build to Custom Path

  1. Change directory to the local anchor cloned repository

  2. Build the binary (destination: PWD)

    make build
  3. Copy the binary to a bin folder that exists on PATH

    cp anchor ${HOME}/.local/bin
  4. (Optional) Alternatively, copy directly to /usr/local/bin

    cp anchor /usr/local/bin

PATH awareness

Make sure ${HOME}/.local/bin exists on the PATH or sourced on every new shell session.

Build to GOPATH

  1. Change directory to the local anchor cloned repository

  2. Build the binary (destination: GOPATH/bin)

    make build-to-gopath